請給我一份兒童餐 Can I have a kid's meal, please?
| 勘哀黑福額去(台)的蜜歐,普利斯? |
請問還有多久降落? Excuse me, how much longer until we land? | 一絲Q斯密, 好罵取隆格昂替優微練? |
我還要一瓶可樂 I would like another bottle of Coke, please | 哀屋賴額那了八頭喔福扣ㄎ, 普利斯 |
謝謝你貼心的服務 Thank you for your thoughtful service | 三Q佛由而搜佛蛇蜜絲 |
我來自台灣 I am from Taiwan. | 哀M防胎萬 |
歡迎你來台灣玩 Welcome to Taiwan, enjoy your stay. | 微優抗土胎萬, 因就醫由而斯爹
你的國家很棒 Your country is great | 由而康嘴(台)一絲格瑞 |
請問在哪裡買票? Where can I buy a ticket? | 揮而勘哀敗額踢去(台)? |
小孩可以單獨玩嗎? 需要大人同嗎? Can children play alone, or do they need an adult with them? | 勘敲而菌普類額龍. 喔而督類尼安額豆維斯練?
這裡有免費wifi嗎? Is there free wifi available here? | 一絲累而歪福愛兒威了博戲(台)而?
請問wifi密碼幾號? What is the wifi password? | 瓦特一絲了歪福愛拍斯沃? |
請問廁所在哪裡? Where is the restroom? | 揮而一絲了瑞斯特潤? |
請問店裡賣的最好的是什麼? What is the bestselling item in the store? | 花特一絲了貝斯特雖優令哀藤英了私鬥而? |
這個多少錢? How much does this cost? | 蒿罵取打斯利斯寇斯特? |
我12歲,是買兒童票嗎? I'm 12 years old, should I buy a child's ticket? | 哀M退歐福依而斯歐的,咻哀掰而踹歐的踢去(台)? |
我迷路了,請幫忙我。 I'm lost, can you help me? | 哀M漏絲特,砍U黑優蜜? |
我跟家人走失了,請幫我廣播。 I’m separated from my family, can you make an announcement for me? | 哀M雖普瑞房麥菲摸立,砍U妹ㄎ安而囊司們佛密? |
請幫我聯絡家人的手機 00886-912345678 Can you help me contact my family? Their mobile phone number is 00886-912345678 | 砍U黑優密康退ㄎ麥菲摸立?類兒摸泊鳳囊波一斯 立羅立羅欸欸系-奈萬土水(台)佛福艾系雖們欸 |
不要推擠,很危險! Please don't push, it's dangerous! | 普利斯動譜序.依次燈就羅斯 |
請問緊急電話是幾號? What is the emergency phone number? | 花特一絲了引摸俊系鳳囊波? |
我不太舒服請幫幫我! I'm not feeling well, can you help me? | 哀M那幅一令圍毆.砍U黑歐蜜? |
請問哪裡有垃圾回收桶? Where can I find a trash can or recycling bin? | 揮而砍哀福艾的而吹噓砍歐而瑞塞摳令並? |
請問哪裡有賣吃的? Where can I get some food? | 揮而砍哀給桑福的? |
我的錢包被偷,可以幫我報警嗎? My wallet has been stolen, can you help me report it to the police? | 麥挖列黑私並私都冷,砍U黑優密瑞波土了普利斯? |
請問地鐵在哪裡? Where is the subway station? | 揮而一絲了撒泊位思爹訊? |